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Thai Massages

🌻 Thai Massage
       Is a traditional treatment for relieving stress and tension, and for the treatment of back pain, stiff neck, shoulder pain, and sports injuries including muscle and tendon strain Of all the massage techniques 'Thai massage' is undoubtedly the most holistic. Thai massage uses different mixture of rhythmic acupressure, body rocking and deep assisted stretches to open and exercise the systems of the body throughout. It relieves muscular tension which enables more blood and oxygen to be carried throughout the body. Thai massage has been used successfully by both Eastern and Western practitioners to relieve mental tension, stress, tiredness and headache. Thai massage is also used to promote general health care, relieve stiff necks and shoulders, improve muscle tone and boost energy levels

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🌻 The Therapeutic effects of Thai Massag
Pressing and stretching are where Thai Massage excels.
At this point it is appropriate to look at what heppens to our muscles
and how pressing and stretchingcan help them. One of the most common
muscle problems is a gradual shortening of the relaxed muscle length.
This has many causes. Those who do too much heavy, repetitive manual work
or weight training in the gym can develop muscles with higher than normal tone.
This is due to increased numbers of muscle fibres remaining contracted,
even when the muscle is in its 'relaxed' state. Other factors such as injury,
poor posture and emotional stress can also cause this to happen.
       The most immediate effect of muscle shortening is reduced movement at
the joint where the muscle works. This is because the difference between
the relaxed length and the contracted length of the muscle is less than it should be.

Unfortunatedly,it is this difference that determines
how much movement the muscle can produce,
so stiffness and reduced joint mobility is the result of
muscle shortening. Other unpleasant conditions can also prevail.
When a muscle becomes tense and shortened,
its spindle organs send impulses to the brain which tell it that
the muscle is in a state of contraction.
The brain now responds by reducing motor stimulation to
its antagonistic muscle. This muscle now loses tone and shortened,
its spindle organs send impulses to the brain which tell it
that the muscle is in a state of contraction. The brain responds by
reducing motor stimulation to its antaganistic muscle.
This now loses tone and , if the condition persists, it will gradually weaken .
Soon it wil not even match the strength of its antagonist,
which will shorten still further since it will not be
pulled hard enough to stretch it.
A stage of imbalance quickly results which,
in some cases, can produce postural problem leading to chronic pain.
This is not yet the end of the story! The myofascia has large areas
between its cells which contain fibres.
Some of these are elastic;some are not.
The non-elastic ones serve to strengthen the tissue .
As a muscle shortens, the myofascia contracts and shortens with it.
Gradually it loses some of its elasticity,if it is repeatedly
stretched to what should be the correct relaxed length of the muscle.
Elastic fibres become replaced by the non-elastic kind
and the tissue becomes slightly wrinkled.
Movement of the neighbouring tissues becomes less smooth
and this can cause discomfort which can
also lead to abnormal useof the affected parts.
As the myofascia shrinks due to lack of stretching,
it thickens and becomes fibrotic,
impeding normal muscle stretching during relaxation and
further reducing movement
and joint mobility.All these interrelated effects mean pain,
stiffness,lowered resistance to jointinjury
and reduced performance on the sports field.

Benefits of full body massage include:

• Alleviation of physical and emotional tension.
• Release and relaxation of muscles and improved flexibility.
• Relief from general muscular aches and pains.
• Improves circulation and stimulates the lymphatic system
• Muscolo-skeletal realignment.